A beginner's mindset with an expert's knowledge
Janniche Lange
"In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind, there are few."
Wouldn't we all want to stay open minded? Be welcoming to new ideas and improvements in our field? But when we gain knowledge somehow we become more resistent to change. We quickly dismiss ideas. "That won't work". "We tried that and it failed miserably".
I'll let you know why you want to strive to keep a beginners mindset as well as keep building expertise in your field. And, of course, how to do it.
Developer @ Storebrand. I like pair programming and delivering value to customers. Care about testing, readable code and frequent deliveries. And naming things. Also people and interactions more than processes and tools. And agile. Involved in communities for knowledge sharing; javaBin, Stavanger Agile Meetup and the new software conference
Janniche Lange