BartJS Podcast Gameshow
Marius Krakeli & Mikael Brevik
BartJS Podcast, den norske podcasten om alt som har med JavaScript å gjøre, arrangerer et live show som prøver å treffe den perfekte balansen mellom geeky programmeringsunderholdning og læring. Gjennom en rekke gameshow-konsepter og leker sammen med publikum forsøker vi å underholde og utforske grensene for hva utviklingsinnhold kan være.
Marius is an ex programmer now turned product manager with a fondness for fantastic product experiences. Although spending most of his time thinking about product development, he also maintains his programming skills by being both producer and panelist on the JavaScript podcast “BartJS Podcast”. When he’s not working as a consultant at Variant, he is very entertained by video games and audio production.
Marius Krakeli

Enthusiastic developer interested in programming languages and with an everlasting love of JavaScript. Organizer of BartJS Meetup in Trondheim, host of BartJS Podcast, Kortslutning and more. Trying to make the industry better as a Chief Technology Officer in Variant.
Mikael Brevik